Baker joined the Austin College faculty in 1975. Tom and his wife, Connie, lived in Sherman. The couple has two children, daughter Jennifer, a 1994 Austin College graduate, and son Chris.
Please share your memories and condolences.
Deaths within the Austin College community impact campus individuals—and alumni, parents, and friends around the globe. This site offers an opportunity to share condolences, memories, and thoughts from the Austin College family, both near and far.
Baker joined the Austin College faculty in 1975. Tom and his wife, Connie, lived in Sherman. The couple has two children, daughter Jennifer, a 1994 Austin College graduate, and son Chris.
Please share your memories and condolences.
As I prepared the sad news of Tom's passing for the online announcement, I looked through a file of material and found a sheet where he had once written some of his favorite pasttimes as swimming and hiking, particularly in the Rockies. Then I recalled his exuberant call to have the birth of his grandchild included in the Austin College Magazine. How proud he was of his wife and children, and that grandson. Knowing that Tom spent the last week of his life in Colorado with his family around him does not lessen the acute sadness of his death, but does perhaps take just a small bit of sharpness from the loss of a respected and cherished colleague. Vickie Kirby
ReplyDeleteTom was an amazing man who was more than willing to go the extra mile for anyone he met. He was on my side throughout my time in the ATP and I will always be thankful for him. I am saddened by the news, but glad he was with family during his last days. My heart goes out to his family.
ReplyDeleteI was fortunate to have Tom for my advisor for the past two years; what a blessing it was for all of AC and myself to have someone so truly kindhearted and passionate about education here with us. Tom always made helping his advisees and students a priority- even if others might have considered it an inconvenience. Always one of my strongest advocates at AC, whether it was writing a letter of recommendation for a scholarship or encouraging me to pursue a difficult goal, he was in my corner when I needed a supporter. An inspiring, patient and deeply caring person, Tom will be missed by all who knew him, and remembered for not only his work but for the very way in which he lived. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the entire Baker family. May the Lord comfort you and give you peace.
ReplyDelete-Erin Elizabeth Sweeney (Class of 2011)
As my colleague for about 34 years, Tom Baker had become a trusted friend and ally. For decades (it seemed) I served on the ATP committee that reviewed applicants to enter the program, and the testimony of TB was always to the point and extremely valuable in informing our decisions. He and I shared an interest in performing at Sherman Community Players (mine was decades ago; his was recent and on-going). He had a wonderful voice and presence on stage as well (I'm sure) in the classroom.
ReplyDeleteI regarded him as a link between the ATP as created by Virginia Love, Bill Freeman, and Rosemary Mulder on the one hand, and the revised and updated program of the 90s and 21st century.
We have lost a gentleman, a scholar, and one of the truly enlightened members of the AC faculty.
Jerry B. Lincecum
Professor of English (1967-2006)
I will miss Tom a great deal. He was a terrific advisor and was always there to give advice and help out no matter the situation. My deepest condolances go out to his family and friends.
ReplyDeleteElizabeth J. Christian, MAT 2006
I thoroughly enjoyed having Tom as a professor. I will never forget the poker face he had every time he observed me in the classroom. I never knew if he felt I was on track or not until we sat down for debriefing. His passion for teaching future teachers was evident in every class and conversation I had with him. I am disappointed that I never got to meet with him again. He will be truly missed and the ATP will not be the same without him!
ReplyDeletePrayers and condolences to his family and close friends!
Tom was my mentor for four years. While most of my classmates scrambled to find new mentors in their fields after they declared a major, I never even considered it. I was so blessed to have an advisor who was well-rounded and encouraged me to be the same. He worked with me to balance my schedule with my learning disability and always had my best interests in mind when helping me figure out a course of action. He was always so nice and he gave great advice, even advice of a non-academic nature. AC has lost a wonderful professor; I am sad for future students who will never meet him or work with him. My sincerest condolences to his friends and family. I will miss Tom dearly.
ReplyDeleteEllen Bond, Class of 2002
Tom was such a friendly, giving man, and I am so thankful to have had his guidance as I progressed through the Austin Teacher Program. I will always remember Tom as the person who taught me how to write a thorough lesson plan, and to this day I think of him when I sit down to plan a lesson. I also remember Tom as the man behind the Austin College "Bright Ideas" conference for educators. So many lives have been touched by this bright and caring man. My heart is with his family and the ATP during this difficult time.
ReplyDeleteAmy Lindsey
M.A.T. '01
Any student or former student who reads this should know that Tom had the total respect of all his faculty colleagues. Tom was one of the first people I met at Austin College when I arrived here some thirty-one years ago. We became constant friends and were neighbors for almost 29 years in the Lambert Road neighborhood of west Sherman. Tom, Vicki, and I contrived for over three decades to coordinate our lunch hours so that we could eat together, first in the SUB and then in the WCC. Tom, Connie, Vicki, and I enjoyed sitting together at faculty dinners and at college banquets. Tom was a prince of a person. In the entire time I knew him, he never said a cross or unkind word about anyone. He always considerately voiced his opinions and views in the most gracious, genteel, and absolutely polite fashion. Students always came first for him, no matter what. Just last week I got an email from him while on vacation in Colorado as he reported to me long-distance his attempts to assist one of his students resolve a problem. Regarding that matter, Tom told me in the email that he would be coming home on June 29th if he was still needed. Well, he is still needed, but for much larger purposes than helping that one particular student.
ReplyDelete--Light Cummins
I was blessed to have Tom as my mentor/advisor during my years at AC. I was also his graduate assistant while in the ATP. Tom truly had one of the kindest hearts I have ever known- he offered the best advice and was sincerely proud of all that his students accomplished. I am so grateful to have known him. After completing the MAT program, I kept in contact with Tom via emails- we recently exchanged photos of my son, Knox, and his grandson, Seth. He is so proud of Seth. Someone told me this recently- 'What the caterpillar perceives is the end, to the butterfly is just the beginning.’ I am deeply saddened by the loss. My heart goes out to his family, friends and AC colleagues.
ReplyDelete“Say not in grief 'he is no more' but live in thankfulness that he was. “ Hebrew proverb
Melinda Wilson Tefteller
M.A.T '02
Tom had just finished writing letters of rec for me to attend graduate school--even a decade out, he was a welcome phone call and e-mail and never hesitated to encourage me in my studies. Last time we talked I joked that I name my second child after him but I know from now on I won't call my son's name without thinking of him. I am shocked and saddened. I know he loved his family so much and never spoke with him that he didn't talk highly of them all. Austin College will not be the same--my deep condolences.
ReplyDeleteTom took a group of us to Central Europe for Jan term in 1999. I remember Tom as a kind, caring man with a great appreciation for Sherman Symphony Orchestra concerts. I will miss him.
ReplyDeleteAlice Kelley Fielding, class of 1999
When I heard of Tom's passing it was such a shock that I even convinced myself it was impossible it was the same Tom Baker that I knew. After verifying that indeed it was my Tom, I sat frozen in disbelief. I only had a few short months to get to know Tom, but in that short period of Time I learned so much about him and his commitment to learning and life in general. During the middle of my semester with Tom my grandmother became very ill and I informed Tom that if it became serious enough that I wouldn't be able to make it to class.
ReplyDeleteHis response to me was this:
"The love between a grandparent and grandchild is special and powerful. Last Saturday my wife and I were playing with our grandson (17 months old next Wednesday) in his backyard and back deck. While pushing him in his swing, out of the blue he said, “Happy,” and crossed his arms in a hugging motion, the sign for love. (They teach the kids some sign language at his day care center.) A few minutes later while he was sitting on my lap sipping water, he patted my chest and said, “Papa,” then made the sign for love again. My heart swelled! I’d walk through fire for that kid, and I like to think he would do so for me when he’s older if I were in need."
I am so saddened for Tom's family in their loss, but I also know that Tom would "walk through fire" if he could keep us all from experiencing an ounce of sadness. I am grateful that I was given the opportunity to get to know Tom. In the short time I knew him, Tom's words of wisdom were just enough to give me hope.
Wishing hope to Tom's loved ones,
Kasie Walker
Tom Baker was a fine gentleman, one of the kindest people I have ever met. I can't really express how saddened I am by his death. From the minute I arrived at AC eighteen years ago, he was welcoming, helpful, and interested in what I was doing. In spite of the many years he had already served here when I arrived, he never treated me as anything but an equal colleague. He was an example to all of us, in this as in so many other ways. He knew my boys from the local theater, both seeing them in plays and acting with them, and he was unfailingly kind and encouraging. Tom's sense of humor was quick, incisive, and sophisticated. And hilarious. I loved being around him. I will miss him intensely, as will so many others. My heart goes out to his family their loss. Our community is a poorer place because of the passing of this wonderful human being.
ReplyDeleteThis is very sad news. Tom Baker was an important part of the ATP program that pushed me to think deeply about teaching and learning. The way I teach in the college classroom today was very muched shaped by my experiences in the ATP. But he was more than a thoughtful, effective professor. He was a very kind person.
ReplyDeleteBil Kerrigan
New Concord, OH
I too am deeply saddened by this news. Tom did a great deal for me during a time when I was dealing with the death of my father and trying to finish my internship. I often use a story that involved Tom when I try to illustrate the difference between Austin College and other schools. When my Dad died during spring break of my senior year at AC, three of my professors actually came to my home after his funeral. How mwny other schools show that level of support for their students? By the way they were Howard McCarley, Sig Lawson and Tom Baker so with the loss of Tom they are all gone. How lucky I was to be exposed to this kind, quiet leadership. Years later as a Principal and now as a Superintendent I attempt to approach this level of meaningful committment to the students I serve. I don't feel I am doing justice with mere words to express all the ways Tom Baker's quiet steady kind guidance helped me.
ReplyDeleteBrian Neal
M.A. Secondary Ed. 89
I don't have the words to say how much I appreciated and will miss Tom. The man was such a kind, sweet gentleman. I loved his sense of humor, his compassion, and his work ethic.
ReplyDeleteOne of my best memories is how much he loved Seth, his grandson. Most all of the ATP group has been busy having grandchildren these past four years - and with each birth there is great rejoicing and a sense of "now you can understand the crazyness that comes from having that first grandchild". Now you will understand that feeling of dropping everything, and driving to wherever the baby is, just to see them for a few minutes. Tom did not disappoint. The man loved his grandson, and took great pride in the fact that Seth Thomas was named for him. I never will forget the day I told Tom about the duck bath toy that had lights that came on when they hit the water, that afternoon Seth got his own package. He looked so forward to sharing the family's favorite vacation spot with Seth. We can take comfort in knowing that his family will cherish those memories of that special time together.
Wanna Kniss
We will miss you Tom. You have blessed us with a life well-lived.
Tom Baker was a wonderful colleague and friend. We have returned from my daughter's funeral this afternoon (Holly Burgess Ferguson, 95 and 97) to find the news of Tom's death. Connie, Chris and Jenny, I am so sorry. We are praying for you. I guess Tom and Holly are having a conversation about old times at AC this afternoon, as you know, he was her very much loved advisor all the way through the ATP.
ReplyDeleteDebra Baird, AC faculty member 1990-94
I was very saddened to hear the news of Tom's passing this afternoon. He was my mentor/advisor during my years as an ATP student. I greatly enjoyed our lively political and artistic discussions both inside and outside of the classroom. I always appreciated the time he made for me and the time he took when offering feedback on coursework. I too, can never forget the poker face he wore during classroom observations and remembering feeling very triumphant when I could get him to crack a smile. He was a very kind man and I wish I lived closer to Texas so that I was able to pay my respects to Connie and the rest of the family in person. He will be dearly missed.
ReplyDeleteCarrie Beach, M.A.T. '06
My heart is broken tonight as I read this very sad news. Tom was such an encourager to me throughout my time in the ATP; I always valued his opinion and insight. He had a way of building us up while at the same time challenging us to do more and be more for our students. I will always remember him fondly.
ReplyDeleteJenny, I am so sorry for your loss. You and your family will be in my prayers.
Julie Hargett Smith, M.A.T. '95
Shock. Dismay. Sadness. Gratitude. Appreciation. Love. Just a few of the feelings that I am experiencing upon learning of Dr. Baker's death. A true advocate for students and for higher education. A marvelous mentor and supporter in all my endeavors. He gave me an extra boost of courage to dream and achieve. What a loss for the AC community and especially Connie, Chris, Jenny, Seth,... Oh, my, how he loved to brag about his grandson to me in his letters! I could tell through the written word how much joy that Seth brought to him. It is just unfathomable to comprehend Tom's death at this moment. My prayers for the family and loved ones, friends and AC community.
ReplyDelete-- Mark Kinsey Stephenson, M.A. '82
I am so sad for Connie, his children, grandson, and for our loss. He was the cement that held much of the ATP together. He and I worked together (as my mentor, not only when I was at A.C., but also as I helped with student teachers. My last e-mail with him was in May arranging for a student teacher to come and observe my class this fall. We have lost a great and gentleman, and it is certainly our great loss.
ReplyDeleteSuzy Robinson
MAT 03
In January 1987 Tom took a lively group of AC students to Hawaii for Jan Term. We studied the educational system in Hawaii. It was a fabulous trip and many wonderful memories and friendships were made. Tom was a great teacher and and we all had so much fun and learned so much from him on our trip. I truly enjoyed having Tom as a teacher and friend. He will be missed.
ReplyDeleteKelly Pickering O'Hair '89
I am absolutely stunned! We just received a beautiful wedding card from Tom & Connie last week wishing us all the best! I can't believe he is gone! Tom was a wonderful teacher and friend. He was someone you could stop by and talk to for an hour and not even realize the time had past. My prayers go out to his family. He will be greatly missed by all!
ReplyDeleteKatie Deming '04 ATP '05
Tom wrote a recommendation letter for me during my difficult search for a job in 2003. The words he put into that letter brought tears to the eyes of both my wife and I. They were not just the words of a professor, but of a man who truly cared about those he mentored. I don't have those kind of beautiful words to describe how wonderful Tom was. My time at AC would have been much different without him. He is the type of person some people never have the blessing of knowing. I know we all have been blessed.
ReplyDeleteRob Ramsey ATP '04
Please accept our sincere sympathy in your loss. Tom will be greatly missed.We saw Tom a few weeks ago and always met us with a smile and a sincere interest in our travels.I have fond memories of Tom and I running on the track at AC during the lunch time. Please know you and the childern our in our prayers.
ReplyDeleteSam & Gwen Zieske
I thought of Tom this past Monday evening while at Village Chorus practice and hoping he'd return to our group. Needless-to-say, it was a shock to learn on Tuesday of his passing. It would be an honor to sing in the chorus at his memorial service, but we are visiting family in Iowa. Our sympathy to Connie and family.
ReplyDeleteRemembering Tom always smiling and laughing. He was a man of honor and integrity. He loved his family dearly. Heaven is getting another angel in their choir.
ReplyDeleteMy heart goes out to all of the Baker family. I was so saddened when I heard the news. I will sorely miss our "theatre talks" we had through the years. Tom Baker was truly an inspiration for me. He simply served humanity and truly took pleasure from it. I will miss him, but his wonderful spirit will always be with me.
ReplyDeleteTom was such a wonderful professor, advisor, and freind. I remember his good advce, and our long talks in his office about education, teaching, and the theatre. He was a kind and thoughtful man who will be sorely missed.
ReplyDeleteJames Venhaus MAT 1999
Tom was always so animated and upbeat. Every time he would come into the ATP building, he would have kind and positive things to say to me (while I was working). I did not get to take any of Tom's classes since I was EC-4, but I knew him well enough to know what a warm-hearted man he was. He was a humble and considerate man to work for and know. My husband and I both cared about Tom, and we will miss him.
ReplyDeletePriscilla & Aaron Shaner
ATP MAT 2008
It's difficult to add anything that hasn't already been said. I'm fortunate to have been one of Tom's first students at AC and, over the years, become a friend. Now, I have a daughter who is in the MAT program at AC and she is also one of Tom's students. I credit much of my success in the many years I have been a teacher to Tom's innovative teaching strategies, his gentle push when I needed it, and his never-ending belief that we can make a difference in the lives of the students we teach. Though Emily will not graduate until next year, I fully expect her to benefit just as much in the years to come. Tom Baker is what Austin College is all about: teachers, mentors, leaders, friends for life.
ReplyDeleteTom Baker is so much a part of the teacher I am today. He was so full of wonderful advice and always made time for his students. I recall fondly many long talks in his office helping me find my direction as an educator. He will be so missed and many future teachers will miss out on his wonderful mentoring and guiding. My thoughts go out to his family in this difficult time.
ReplyDeleteJanessa Myers Dutton MAT '06
I am greatly saddened by news of the death of Tom Baker. He dearly loved his time with Connie and family every summer at the YMCA in the Rockies. What a treasure he was to the ATP with a sincere and endearing commtment to his students and colleagues. A dear friend, I too, remember his daily runs on the track and laps in the pool. My heart and prayers go out to Connie, Jenny, Chris, and grandson Seth Thomas.
ReplyDeleteBarbara Lawson Lindner
Dr. Baker was a kind-hearted, patient person who cared so much for students. I was one of his advisees during my time in Austin College. This news deeply saddens me and my heart goes out to his family. My prayers are with you all. The news seems so shocking and sudden to me. When I think about Austin College, I always felt good knowing that such a great person is around making a difference in this world and to find out that such a positive influence is no longer physically present with us will definitely leaves a hole, and his abscence will be felt strongly throughout. Once again my prayers and thoughts are with Tom's family as well as the Austin College family as we all find our ways to grapple with this loss.
ReplyDeleteGrace (Nworie) Pokoo-Aikins '06
Grace (Nworie) Pokoo-Aikins'02
ReplyDeleteI can't think of Tom without smiling because Tom was almost always smiling or laughing with you. Remembering his voice in faculty meetings, calm, reasonable, measured. We are certainly diminished as a community without his presence and it is no wonder that former students speaks so highly of him. A very good man!
ReplyDeleteI was shocked, like so many, to learn of Tom's sudden death. I feel very fortunate to have known him for many years and to have served on various committees with him at AC. He had a way of just brightening the day with his smile, so it was a real pleasure to run into him on campus. He will be deeply missed by so many. My heart goes out to Connie, Jennifer, Chris, and other family members.
ReplyDeleteBonnie Scranton '90
Tom, you will be missed. You helped make my first days in Sherman pleasant and were always a gentleman. Tom was a great person to go to for advice, even though he was not my mentor, and such a wonderful person.
ReplyDeleteGordon Ingraham ATP '85
Tom Baker was one of my favorite professors at Austin College. He was always available to help with an academic "crisis" or just to lend an ear. He was always positive and encouraging to his students. His passing will surely leave a void in the hearts and lives of his many students, alumni, and colleagues.
ReplyDeleteScott Snidow
Class of 1987
Tom had an incredible passion for his students and always believed in us. He was always encouraging even when ours lessons weren't that great. I owe a great deal of my teaching to Tom. He has done so much to help my career and for that, I am eternally grateful. Grace and Peace Professor Baker.
ReplyDeleteTiffany Lo-Finch MAT '06
Dr.Baker changed my life when he told me I could go into elementary education when it became clear I was not meant to be the high school English teacher I had dreamed of becoming. Thanks to him I discovered my true passion for teaching, and his belief in me has nurtured me all these years of teaching overseas. I am deeply sorry for his passing, and I offer my sincere condolences to his family.
ReplyDeleteDorothy Anne Kniker Kerfai,
M.A. Elementary Ed., 1989
I came in contact with this gentle man through his wife Connie. Dr. Baker would call to speak with his wife and always apologized for bothering me and I was her secretary. He was soft spoken, humble and always so professional when he called. I received the news and my heart hurt for Connie, Jenny and Chris. This family has a very tight bond and I know they will treasure all of the beautiful times and memories they had together as a family. I enjoyed the slideshow that you shared with the pictures of a proud husband, father, and grandfather. May God continue to comfort you and keep you is my prayer. Love always, Patsey Smith
ReplyDeleteDr. Baker was a gentle, humble educator who possessed a wealth of knowledge about the art of teaching. His legacy will live for many years to come in the classrooms of those of us who were so very fortunate to have learned from his expertise.
ReplyDeleteShonda Cannon
M.A.T. '92
If I met Tom I do not remember it. (I was born in '53.) However, my parents were members of his father's (Dr. Everett Baker) Sunday School class in the church that his father helped found, and whose name is on the plaque naming the chapel where the class met after him: Beechmont Methodist Church (now Gateway) here in Louisville, Kentucky. My mother--and all her contemporaries--always spoke of the excellent character of Tom's father...and apparently those traits were passed along to his son. There are a few now-elderly members left who remember Dr. E. and who also offer their sympathies to his son's family, friends, and co-workers.
ReplyDeleteJackie Grizzard Fulner
I have been truly blessed to have Tom as my mentor and to study under his direction for the past year. Tom was a true advocate for his students. I can remember my first teaching experience with him as my mentor and how scared I was to be in a huge high school with students who towered over me. Tom, in his calm, soft-spoken voice, reassured me that I was capable of facing this challenge. He believed in me every step of the way.
ReplyDeleteTom always gave good advice. You could always count on him to help you with any problem or find someone that could. Tom was animated, he was inspiring, he was thoughtful, he was honorable, but most importantly, he was a friend. Tom loved his family dearly. He spoke of the fondly many times during class. He was so proud of Seth. I am so grateful to Tom’s family for sharing his life with us. There will never be another like Tom Baker, but his teaching legacy will live on in me and all the numerous other teachers who were so lucky to have learned and benefitted from his teaching. Tom, we are going to miss you so much. To Tom’s family, I wish you comfort and peace, and hope that you will be filled with the memory of him forever.
Ashlee Ferguson
M.A.T. 2010
Connie and family,
ReplyDeleteTom was a wonderfully kind person. I loved how he always looked you right in the eyes without judgement, only thoughtful concern. He was a good and patient teacher and set a wonderful example for me as I was learning how to become a teacher. He will be missed. Catherine Castle Wetzel
Tom arguably may have been the nicest individual I have come across on this campus. He was a positive role model for his students and for new, younger faculty. I thoroughly enjoyed sitting down for lunch in the cafeteria with Tom and will miss those conversations. He was always interested in what was going on in your career and in your life. It didn't matter if he didn't understand the details of your work; he could always carry a conversation. Tom was extremely supportive of younger faculty and he was someone I always admired and respected. Additionally, he would always show up to support students doing research or other creative involvements. He kept the students at ease and they all enjoyed their interactions with Tom. Tom was an amazing asset to this college and this community. He will be sorely missed.